Cosmic Conversations: Alex Zhang


Welcome to Cosmic Conversations, an interview series where we discuss the spiritual and substantial, wine and wisdom, intuition and indulgence.

First up, our dear friend, Alex Zhang.

Alex is a …
curator, festival producer, ski resort operator, and mayor. Hard to pin down what I do in one box, but I enjoy bringing people together through meaningful experiences. I produce music festivals and conferences, I operate and creative direct a ski resort in Utah, I curate site specific art and exhibitions, and I lead an online community called Friends with Benefits. 

Sun / Moon / Rising:
Sun Aries / Moon Virgo / Rising Taurus

How do astrology / tarot / esoteric arts play a role in your life?
I've always found tarot to be a fun activity with strangers, an instant way to pull a conversation into greater depth and have a moment to reflect on things out of your control. That vulnerability is interesting these days when everyone is so serious. 

What limiting beliefs / blocks have you worked through to get where you are today? Where do you still want to go?
That emotions were weakness. I was raised in an environment where controlling or restraining emotions, to power through challenges was the expectation or norm. Took me until fairly recently to realize that feeling through things, that the body stores a lot of trauma and experience, was a much more vivid and colorful way of living life.

Why do you think creative exploration and expansion are important in today’s world?
In a world where information is so readily accessible and commoditized, true creative expansion is a novelty, and should be cherished. Everything is remixed, nothing rarely is new. Whenever any form of art, writing, expression contains remnants of newness or innovation, it should be cherished, celebrated, but also protected so that it can mature and grow without interference from social / zeitgeist pressures.

What’s your approach to natural wine? Why do you love it? AND, do you have any rituals?
No specific rituals, just that it ought to be enjoyed in great company, slightly chilled, and ideally in an inspiring setting. 

How do you nurture balance in your life? Any tips / tricks on how to enjoy yourself and stay grounded?
Swimming. Ideally in a body of natural water, but any water will do. I find swimming in NY to be such a luxury.

What’s filling your cup this season?
Cantina Giardino's Tu Rosato is bomb. Other than that, cooking in my new Le Creuset cast irons or any of Evan Kinori sweaters.

Who and what is inspiring you right now?
Went to this incredible family run ambient record store in Kyoto called Meditations. Spent hours in there, inspired by this mother, son, father combo maintaining an incredible ambient collection and making their own incense. Some of the stuff I scooped from there included: Nostalgia, Yutaka Hirose; wave Notation 2, Satoshi Ashikawa; Silence, Shinsuke Honda.

Dream dinner party guests – dead or alive.
Yoko Ono

Where’s your happy place?
A sauna. Or Whidbey Island.

3 companies that represent the energy of LOVER / BEST FRIEND / RIVAL for you

LOVER: Cantina Giardino

BEST FRIEND: Jumbo Time Wines

RIVAL: Liquid Death


Playlist: Scorpio Season