It all began under the starry skies of Whitley Heights...

Surrounded by candlelight, we sipped on natural wine, sharing our dreams and intentions. As the new moon transitioned from reflective Pisces to fiery Aries, a gentle breeze swept through the night, hinting at change, as if the universe itself was nudging us toward a new adventure.

We envisioned a space where people could reflect on their relationship to the cosmos while slowing down and enjoying the gift of wine. A place filled with immersive and sensory experiences that would harmonize our celestial curiosity and our love of ritual.

From this, Cosmic Wine Club was born.

In accordance with the shifting cosmos, each month Cosmic Wine Club embarks on a new adventure, celebrating the union of wine and mysticism by creating moments of magic and wonder so that every sip is meaningful.

We believe that bringing a higher level of consciousness to the ritual of drinking wine–feeling a deeper connection to the winemaking process and understanding the passion and love inherent to it, will enable us to achieve balance and harmony in our everyday lives. 

We invite you on this journey with us: one filled with exploration, expansion, and new experiences. Cheers to you, the stars, and the cosmic adventures that await us!

Lots of love,
Misha & Bec